Thursday, April 27, 2006

All The Rest

This fasting none sense is unbearable. I have sooo nearly piked it on several occasions. I need time and space. For this reason I have decided to take a few days off from posting. I know that I said this the other day and came back, but this time I mean it. Fasting is REALLY hard but then I suppose failure (on my part) would actually prove my original point better than success. I have dropped a few pounds though which is insentive enough to continue.

I will return AFTER the weekend with a full report of my experiences and how they may mirror the Blaine attemp in a small way.

To all the people who took the time to read about this experiment I hope it made you more aware of how the bashing Blaine issue(given this guy puts his body through extreme measures for his art) is a tad un- called for. I am in Day Four and am a wreck.

See you on Monday....and I mean it this time. No more silly flash paper and coin shell advertisments just fasting and then the re feeding of Dean Atkinson. I imagine this will involve a slap up at TGI Friday's and huge bowls of chips in front of the Telly. Yes that's right, We have Telly Savalis coming over this weekend.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Amazing? Not Really He's Working Up At Crown.

The Amazing Johnathan just came in here. Old School. He didn't buy anything but was nice enough to offer to get me tickets for his show. Top Magic Bloke then.


By the way I reckon that honesty is the best policy, so I am sure you will all be impressed with me when I tell you that I am actually feeling really great today. (Fast Day 3). Just so you know I do not intend to rant on about how hard it is just to prove a point. It is only day 3 though and not day 23 so things do need to be placed into perspective. Please don't forget that is IS hard to be David Blaine sometimes and I am sure I am going to be feeling a lot worse tonight.

I have not forgotten about the second and third phase of my ball routine either. For those of you who are quite literally sitting on the edge of your seats the wait is almost over. Saturday night OK?

Want To Try Something Different?

Want to try something different?

Something juicy?


How about some tasty SHELL COINS. In a generous sesame roll

Mmmm delicious!

Available now in the foyer

Available Now In The Foyer

Tired of dull responses to your magic routines?

Sick of the same old stale effects?

You need something fresh in your act.

Why not try FLASH PAPER.

Available now in the foyer.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Nothing New Here

I didn't expect this to be easy. Similarly none of you expected me to post news of it being anything other than difficult given my reasons for the experiment. But I will say for the record. This isn't easy. It's blooming torture for about a million different reasons most of which exsist only in my head. Little phychological 'post it' notes which dictate the way one should go about the day. I am starting to actually imagine the SMELL of food. Not imagine the food itself you understand... Imagine the SMELL.

I am going to have to take a couple of days off posting while I try and get into some sort of spiritual headspace to continue. I have a few ideas and have been reading the Book INSTANT CALM. This book was written to help people suffering from stress but I am actually finding the techniques very useful. I'm not kidding, 44 days of this must have been utter hell. Of course I know that Blaine got himself into THE ZONE but that in itself is admirable enough.

I have been really busy here at The Magic Store today but now the traffic has eased up a bit and I am THINKING about the fast again..well you know what I'm saying.

See you on Thursday with some more reports.


Monday, April 24, 2006

I'm Starving

Yep, and I am only at the start of a 5 day fast. Imagine the feelings at the start of a 44 day fast. Imagine the mental training one needs to go through to even reach THAT point. It is dedication to one's art that the bashers can only dream of. I'm Starving.

The most overwhealming feeling came very late last night. To be honest the hours went by quite quickly as I spent half the night trying to fix some problems I had with posting blogs. Once I had realized that this was an issue with Blogger and not me I stopped worrying about it and took the dog for a quick walk around the block. It was freezing and so I came back. I then tinkered on the computer a little more before settling down for about 2 hours in front of the TV with a cup of coffee and a glass of Coke Zero. (yes I decided to partake in the consumption of diet soft drink after all)

During these (waking) hours everything was pretty calm. I did have a sense of inner peace. The girls went to bed quickly and quietly. I sat with Joanne whilst she ate dinner and discussed the benefits of fasting outside of experimentation. Such as general detoxification. Jo went to bed and sat up and read for an hour or so before saying goodnight and that was pretty much that. It was later that the trouble began.

I woke up from a shallow sleep at around 3am with an intense need to eat. It was almost unbearable to the point that I was actually a little scared. I had a hightened sense of awareness and smell which had actually started earlier in the day. I could also hear every little sound outside. I got out of bed and went to the toilet. I had a really funny dry taste in my mouth which is still there today despite drinking lots and lots of water. I knew that I had to resist the urge to open the fridge, take something out and eat it but I have to tell you that the pain was very noticable. I went back to bed and to sleep. During this deep slumber I had an awfull dream about my daughter Violet which was the last thing I can remember. I rarely have dreams which feel real but this was an example of one and it was ugly as hell.

So, in summary, 'Day One' was pretty easy. Quiet uplifting to be honest. 'Night One' on the other hand was a literal nightmare.

Today is going pretty well but I can already hear those little phychological monsters in my head. And why is everybody EATING?

Fast Journal

When David Blaine was suspended high above the streets of London he kept what must be a very interesting journal of his thougts and feelings. I believe he is publishing these thoughts gradually on his blog. I thought I would do the same here. Here are the words and phrases that came into my mind during the today. This is not a 'review' of the day BTW. I will post that at some point later today after I survived THE DREADED EVENING. A time when I indulge in food and drink the most.

I am never going to be able to finish this
I am going to get too bored in the evening
I am never going to be able to go without wine for 5 days
My wife is going to loose it with me at some point thinking that I am selfish
That smells so good.

OK thats what I wrote in the journal today. As you can see it's tough and please remember I am embarking on a 5 day fast not a 44 day one. IMAGINE what that guy must have been thinking on the first day....or even the 21st day? IMAGINE the mental training one would need to go through before that? UTTER dedication to his art. bash that baby.

Reactionary Experiment

It seems to be very easy to bash David Blaine (on the internet) but almost impossible to defend him. Most of the people who choose the former and excersise such rights on the various magic forums have their reasons. I guess that jealousy is the main one. Or rather and more specifically jealous that the guy has managed to become an icon without being particularly skilled or creative. Firstly I don't agree with either and what is more I believe Blaine to have transcended skill, creativity, iconic status and stardom. Look, I am not talking about the odd bit of satire here I am talking about the constant, lame, boring old bash for the sake of bashing mentality

I suppose I could write an essay about why I think that Blaine bashing is wrong but to be honest I know that the bashers wouldn't listen, neither would they understand. So, instead I have decided to design an experiment to investigate just how hard it is to be David Blaine. To explore (albeit in a tiny way) the difficulty that exsists in creating and above all MAINTAINING a character like this despite not being able to do a bottom deal and using stooges etc. This experiment, which is about the best effort I can personally offer(given my lack of resources) is to prove how serious and astonishing Blaine really is. It involves a David Blaine 'style' test of endurance.

I have decided to go on a (modest) 5 DAY FAST. Now I appreciate that this does not come anywhere near the massive and successfull 44 DAY Blaine effort but it's a good start.

So there you go. I am not going to go on about it I am just going to do it. Put myself through that endurance just to show how difficult it is and hopefully prove in some SMALL way (by indulging in a SMALL aspect of the Blaine phenomena and repertoire) that this guy is way more serious and solid that any of the bashers would ever give him credit for. At the same time I get to be LIKE him for 5 days. An experience which many of those green eyed bashers would give anything to experience

Before I sign this off however I should just let you all know that I am safe. I have done 24 hour fasts in the past and I have researched the health aspects already. I am actually banking on feeling physically great for most of the time. It's the psychology that suffers and it is the very fact that Blaine managed to overcome this that makes him such a solid entertainer.

I will also continue my regular excersise pattern which at the moment is 'quite' hard. It includes about 2 hours of power walking a day. I also intend to drink coffee. Not in huge amounts but just as normal. This currently stands at about 4 cups a day. I will of course Drink Water and maybe diet soft drink. I am still undecided on that.

I will report on this fast at the beggining of each of the five days. If I break it I promise to tell you! I have given my wife strict instructions to log on to this blog write a post about my bailing it and then change the password so I can't log on and delete it.

If anyone wants to join me in this as a personal test of their own endurance let me know via email. fasting can be a very enlightening and up lifting experience in itself. I wuld love to do this with loads of other people and get sopme publicity as the 'Anti Blaine Bash Movement'

PS i am having some problems posting on my blog. All I can publish is edits to exsisting posts. I am writing this as 8.45pm. I may not be able to post for a while until I get this fixed up. Suffice to say I am still on the fast....and I'm starving. Chao.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Something I Forgot To Mention On The Underground

I woke up feeling as sick as a dog again this morning. A smaller dog this time a little Chitzu or something. It seems that cold of mine had decided to pull a re- lapse jobby on me. Joanne, incidentally, came down with the awfull sore throat part and went to bed at about 9pm last night. Because she was stil crookl in bed early this morning when the girls woke up I got up with them on my own and flaked on the couch. I had this awfull headache with it too. Thankfully it has all but gone now but the throat still remains. Jo feels a lot better and as yet the kids aren't showing any signs. As soon as one of them comes down with something it will ALL be on I promise you.

Let me tell you something about living in a household with young twins. Sickness just rolls around in a cycle for about three weeks. they just keep bouncing the germs back and forth like game of horrible tennis until the strain finally gets too week and they make a recovery. Cross your fingers and toes. Pray for me that they don't come down with it.

Anyway, musing over sickness again and having to deal with it for another morning reminded me of something I forgot to tell you on Friday. Because I started to feel as sick as a dog(the big dog that time....the german Shepherd or that dog in The Omen or something)I had to cancel a drinks appointment with my very good friend Richard Jones. Richard is a classic case book example of one of those guys who is incredible with cards without being really well known within the magic community. You know the sort of guys I mean. They do normal jobs and play around with cards on the side eventully becoming unbelieavable and in most cases developing all of their own material. They stay away from performing for the public at large because they do normal jobs and they don't go to magic clubs because they are to busy with work and family and things.

Sometimes these guys become so good that they go into competitions, win and become famous like Lennart Green. In other cases they upload some insane material on to the internet and achieve notariaty that way, like Andy Gordon. Sometimes they just continue to do there thing and occasionally mix with a FEW other magaicians who are as laid back as they are and can talk about OTHER stuff too.

I was really annoyed that I didn't get a chance to catch up with rich on Friday so I would like to post this in his honour along with some other guys I know who fall into this same cateogary. one other classic example of this kind of secret underground figure is Jamie Razman in Adelaide. Although it has to be said that Jamie is currently making much more of an effort to get out there. If you are ever in SA hook up with him and get him to show you some of his coin work. I reckon he must be the second best in the country after Chris Shing.

Email Me If You Know why Bruce Is So Confusing

What is the song Dancing In The Dark actually about? Is he singing about his partner or a girl he has the hots for. It's confusing.I'm confused by some of his other songs too. He's the second most complex Bruce in the word....after Bruce Wayne.

More Magic Influences

Speaking of magic influences that have nothing to do with magic the primary candidate for this in my life is my parents. You hear many stories of performers who only got where they were by rebelling against their parents but I think you will find that most people in the arts love and owe everything they have achieved to Mum and Dad.

Dave and Joan or as the Americans call them Mam and Dad have always been there in thi scapacity for me. The number of times I hear kids say that their parents disaprove of their interest in magic absolutely stuns me. Some of the kids who come into The Magic Store say this all the time. One kids Father actually stopped him from doing magic altogether and banned him fro visiting our Store because he felt it was not good for school work. WHATS GOING ON WITH THESE (as my good friend and Battlestar Galactacca star James Callis would say) SHMERILLS!?

How can a parent ban his or her son or daughter form doing blooming magic??? I don't get it.

In the meantime I'll teach my girls the Cups and Balls and any other magic trick they want to learn. I will also thank my lucky stars that Mam and Dad had their heads screwed on and loved and supported me no matter what I said I wanted to do with my life.


Saturday, April 22, 2006

Magic Influences.

why do magic influences need to be people who also did magic. Pishaw and zounds to that madam!.

This is My Uncle Don who after a rather fruitful career kicking a ball around a field decided to open a hotel on the outskirts of Nottingham. Underneath this hotel in a Nick Morton style secret world was a quaint little bar. This was the VERY first place (18 years ago) that I first did close- up magic for real people with real reactions. Some of the routines I developed down there as a kid are still in my repertoire today. 'The Knife Through Jacket Surprise' being just one. My Uncle Don was always pushy to get me to perform in his bar. It was HIS bar, he was famous, It had loads of his old jerseys on the wall, people came to see him and yet he always sold me as the center of attention when I was there.


It Must Be Great Being a Masson

Seriously it must be great being a Masson.

You get to play football for Scotland and boast that BOTH your children were the Head Pupil at School seven years apart. You get to move to Spain and Thailand, pull your head off and be the best Nanna/ Mum in the world.

This post is about as esoteric as I will ever get... I promise. It is soo clever though! I wish you could all appreciate how clever it is. Oh it's delicious. It's a special thing....... Just for a few people.



Despite having all of their albums I have never really been a huge Cold Play fan. I have to say though that these lyrics pretty much sum it or me.

I want to live life and never be cruel
and I want to live life and be good to you
and I want to fly and never come down
and live my life and have friends around


I'm Sorry But That Doesn't Apply To Me

I have (coincidentally) read a few commets on the internet over the past few nights which seem to infer that people who get into magic did so because they were geeks or class clowns, starving for attention in their past. wheras I agree that an interest in magic is possibly the product of a certain specific and powerful feeling, need, emotion or incident I do not think it holds that everyone who does magic was a dork growing up. I personally got into magic because I hated the fact that i didn't know how any of Paul Daniels' Tricks worked. I loved PD becasue he had the power of knowledge. Later as I became passionate about magic I learned to respect paul as a performer. A performer who namely actually shaped my first few magic years. I still think that he is one of the greatest performers/personalities of the past century. He is also a top bloke.

I also don't think that being the class clown means that a person is un popular or starving for attention. I was a class clown, chased hot chicks and was also The Head Boy, voted by the students I might add. So see I'm loved. I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam loved!!!!!!!!!!!!

That said, some are geeks though. Ohhhhh lordy so!


Why is it so hilarious to say the word Marlo when discussing credits? Everyone does it don't they?

"' And so The Lord turned water into wine"

Oh hang on but Marlo published it first in the 1918 issue of Ibidem. Phnarr Phnar Chorttle Chorttle he he he he he

"Well I think it was Moses who parted the Red Sea"

No! It was Marlo on page 4 of Without Tears ha h ah a hahahahahahahha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Shakespeare wrote all of his plays"

No it was actually Marlowe

"Didn't John lennon record 'Imagine?'"

No I think you'll find it in The Magazine volume 12000 page 80. just after the invention of the helicopter.

Why is is sooooo funny to say the word Marlo?

It just sounds so lame to me.

"Marlo" and everyone goes up like a bag of shit.

Big Dave

I just wanted to offer my sympathy to some of the posters in the 'Copperfield loosing it' thread over at The Magic Cafe. I am so sorry gentlemen, that Big Dave doesn't come on stage with a round of cucumber sandwiches, send you a Christmas card or offer to come around to your place after the show and cook a nice fish supper.

So he's a bit of a tyrant at work is he? Not exactly friendly to the 'stage hands' before going on. He pokes a LITTLE fun at the audience does he?

What a surprise! I am utterly shocked by this! What a horrible man. I bet he plays his music too loud on Sunday morning, makes funny faces at blind people and doesn't pick up his dogs turd from the pavement either does he?.

A Useful Suggestion About Learning Advanced Billiard Ball Routines.

Just a little bit of advice I guess. Well not really advice as such more like a suggestion. Whether the routine you are going to learn or even dream up for yourself is going to ever include a three ball roll down or not, I suggest you learn how to do one anyway. It's alittle like when card guys learn how to do a center deal without ever having any intention of using it.............Know what I mean?

The move is devishly hard with 2 inch balls, even super duper grip Fakini's. Jeff McBride can manage it in both hands but then that gorgeous freak can do anything.

It's not so tough with the smaller size ball but then, because of gravity, it is easier to move the hand into a front of the body position (from the side) in order to get a good hold on the third ball.

Truely though, once you get a grip on that third ball the rest of the move is like clockwork. It just works. Even with a really light touch.

Don't be scared give the three ball roll down a go today.

If you want to put it into practice The Gary Darwin routine, which can be found on The Best of the Best DVD's uses a triple in each hand.

BEHIND THE CUE BALL........A Routine for the Multiplying Billiard Balls Phase #1 The production sequence.

What follows(over three posts) is my routine for this classic effect of magic. In designing this routine I wanted the entire thing to work out of the pockets. I also wanted it to have little misdirectorial 'Stings' the whole way through and finally investigate exactly what 'new' or 'forgotten' use could be made from the shell. Possibilities with that most intriguing of magic gimmicks that may not have been noticed in this effect before. The routine uses three identical balls and two identical shells that match. You will find (for two reasons) that one and three quater inch balls are better for this particular routine. Firstly this routine was written for a walk around situation, one in which the performer is working entirely from the pockets. With smaller sized balls there is still a fair bit of space left in the pockets to accomadate some other small props. In my case the props required for my ring on rope routine. The second benefit of a smaller set of balls is that right at the top of the routine one will be holding out two balls in the right hand. One in a classic palm and one in finger palm. These balls are not so much palmed but secreted for the first few seconds of the routine and the smaller they are the less likely they are to be seen. I designed this feature so that the hands would not have to go into the pockets at all during the productions.

THE ROUTINE. part one.

Start with a shelled ball in the left jacket pocket. In the right jacket pocket you have the other two balls and the second shell. If this shell is sitting over a ball you will need to pull it off and leave it in the pocket in a moment. You can do this at the top of the routine or before you approach the table or group.

As a first movement you are going to reach inside your pockets like you are hunting for something

" I'm going to show you something really scary with a little rubber ball...ahh here it is"

By this point you have taken the shelled ball from the left pocket and are holding it at the finger tips of the left hand. You have also taken BOTH the real balls out of the right pocket (leaving the second shell where it is for the time being) and have secreted them in the right hand. One is in a classic palm and the other a finger palm. The specifications for this are not that strict though. All that matters is that these balls cannot be seen and that your hand is looking reasonably natural. It should be held down by your right side for a moment.

Using just the left hand manufacture the shelled ball into the classic un-nesting position. This means you hold to place the ball and gimmick in between the thumb and fore finger.

The idea at the top of this routine is to do a 'no messing about 1 - 4 production.' In fact the whole routine is no messing bout. No flourishes, few vanishes until the end and certainly no colour changes. So, that said we don't need to waste any time at the top. let's just produce these balls as quickly and as magically as we can. Here's how.

The second ball is produced by simply un-nesting the shell in the standard fashion. The right hand reaches up to the ball and shell( remember that this hand actually contains the two secret balls) and switches one of the secret balls for the one just recently produced. It is the ball held in the finger palm that replaces the ball between the fore and index finger of the left hand and the switch is accomplished by simply moving the second ball BACK into the shell and PLACING the right hand finger palmed ball in between the fingers of the left hand. This is done as you apparently GRAB the ball and toss it up with the right hand. In reality the second ball is shelled again and the finger palmed ball just pushed out to the right hand finger tips. the new third ball is then placed back in between the fore and index finger of the left hand. The situation now is that you have a shelled ball plus a second ball at the fingers of the left hand and a fourth ball concealed in a classic palm in the right hand. The second shell is still within the right pocket.

You now produce the third ball by executing a two ball roll down the shell is once again un-nested and the second ball rolls into the third postion creating a space for the third production. Three balls are now at the left fingertips.

You will now set up for the production of the fourth and final ball. The start of this preperation is a standard shell loading sequence. So, the right hand with classic palmed ball, reaches up to the left fingers. The right hand's ball is secretly nested into the shell from behind as the right fingers grab the top ball. because of the roll down there is a very strong illusion of perception that the ball that just appeared is actually the ball in the top. The ball in other words which you have now taken in yoru right hand. At this point I should point out that the sequence thus far has taken place at the side of the body like in most Stage Billiard Ball routines. There have been a number of performers in the past including the Aussie magic icon Barry Govan who have creted whole routies that happen IN FRONT of the body and in so doing have closed the effect off from having angle problems. My routine does not worry too much about angles. You just have to either do it with your back against a wall, at the end of a banquet table or without giving a shit what the people behind see. This last one is me. i have always looked upon magic a little less seriously than brain surgery and inmy opinion if a person behind sees half a ball they kind of like it. If anything it is a little bit like they are being allowed to come back stage and see how it all works. The stakes are relatively low here. Unless there is a REAL smart arse behind you who is likely to shout something out to the people you are performing too I wouldn't worry about it. Just make sure that you don't show the trick to those people next. My personality is such that people very rarely gang up on me. I very rarely get hecklers from 18th Birthday parties through to coporate events. Anyway I am waffleing.

So, you have been performing this routine in the air at the side of the body until now when you are going to turn to the front. As your body turns the left hand moves to the front of it and un-nests the ball from the shell in the action of another two ball roll down. (This lovely production hidden within the veil of misdirection has spared you having to do a three ball roll can thank me later) At the very same moment this happens the right hand tosses the single ball in the air and catches it. everyone will watch this ball. they will miss the un-nest. In any event the larger body turn will hide the smaller action and so in theory the move would be invisible anyway but with the gentle tossing and catching we can be safer.

"OK a trick with three balls"

After you say this your eyes look down in front of your body at the balls in the left hand and notice that there are actually four balls in total.

"Sorry, four balls..oh well I guess magic is like that sometimes"

The right hand's ball is now placed into between the ring finger and pinky to complete the first phase. A quick, no messiing about production of three balls.


This cold of mine seems to be developing' arse end' first. They usually start with the sore throat, then I get those (strangely satisfying) aches and later that night the sneezes (oh God there the worst of it). This 'cold' if that's what it's calling itself these days, seems to be climaxing with the throat. A bit like a bad adult movie.

I stayed in bed until about 9am which is very unusual for me, whilst Joanne got the girls up and ready for ballet. It really is a pain in the neck (my neck is not actually effected by this cold I am just speaking metaphorically)because I had planned to go along to ballet with them this morning. It would have been the first time I had ever seen them at ballet as up until a couple of weeks back I was working at The Magic Store on Saturdays during what is commonly known as an 'Industry Week' (Thursday - Monday).

They are going to be out pf the house for about an hour so I might try and get a few things done. the Hoover, for example, could do with a an airing.

Oh well I suppose every cloud has a silver lining, in as much that I'll be able to post on the blog all weekend. When the cruel hand of fate closes a door he sometimes opens a window(because his house is small and he does these little farts all over the place) which is good news for anyone who is racking their brains about the best Billiard Ball routine to make their first million with. Look no further. I intend to post the routine at some point tonight.

Speaking of Billiard Balls I recieved an email from Denny at Denny and Lee's this morning. It was to tell me that they had recieved their latest shipment of 'Fakini' products from Frank Radke in Toledo. For those of you not familiar with Radke's balls (oh err matron) it has to be said(again) that these are the very best balls available for the manipulator. Look no further! As well as being a wonderful user friendly product, they are also a fandabeedosy magic toy and you all know what value I place upon that. Anyway, I have been trying to get hold of some extra 'Fakini' shells and stuff from Denny for a while but unfortunately all of my specifications were not met with this particular order. I get these crazy ideas about the use of extra shells and stuff. Not just with Billiard balls but also with coin routines. (At this interval I would actually like to digress and say that the most imaginative thinker I have ever known with the use of 'extra' gaffs in coin magic is Chris Shing. Chris is far and above the greatest coin guy in this country and I am delighted to be able to call him a friend. This guy not only has the chops but the brains and the balls to fry you into a crispy cinder of flaberghasted magic ash. You would never ever know 'what' or 'how many' of each gaff he had in play until it was too late. Before you knew what was going on you would have been HAD.) I made sure to hide that in a huge block of text in the hope that Dr Shing won't read it. He is a terrible blusher. So back to Fakini...yes....My routine uses two shells, specifically a 'Shimada Double Shell Roll Down' right at the end to create a back- fire. yes a back- fire in a ball routine. All will be revealed tonight.

Suffice to say though my balls and I are feeling much better this morning. Now where's the StrepsilsTM?

Friday, April 21, 2006

It's Amazing What Alcohol Can Do

I wish I could say that I rubbed it on but in reality I just drank it.

So since I have started to feel a LITTLE better already I thought that I might do a bit of magic related research. In between watching 'The da Vinci Code Decoded' on my laptop. Now that I am a blogger and all, I thought I should visit all of the related sites a bit more often to clue myself up as to what to write about or in this case recommend.

Looking on The Magic Cafe I came across something very interesting indeed. For anyone who has not already read this I recommend you take a look at Jamie D Grant's Magic Friday's section. This is essentialy a diary of a guy doing different tricks for a great MANY different people every Friday and then reviewing what happened. What a way to get solid too. Good research into what eventually makes in into your act. This is a benefit that is bestowed upon me every day at my work at The Magic Store but if you only get to do it on Friday and then write up a post about what happened I say Rock On!

Check it out as it makes for a very interesting read as to what might and might not work for you in the so called 'real world'

One More Fishy Thing

What do you get when you cross 2 small rubber fish, a larger final load rubber fish, 2 identical 'Diamond Cut Silks' and a 'One Hand Change Bag?'

Find out on Tuesday..

Kids performers will find this especially interesting.


Well I am as sick as a dog. I had to leave The magic Store early as I was seriously starting to get 'The Aches' That is The worst part of the cold for me. I get these horrible flu style aches which are strangely close to being kind of pleasurable in a purely Masochistic kind of way.

So, because what started out as a few sniffles this morning have now developed into 'The Black Plague'TM I will not be sitting up until 3am posting on this blog.

Instead I will give you all some assignments for the weekend in case I am out of action for a full 48 hours.

1 download (legally of course) a song by Morrisey called 'Hairdresser On Fire' you'll find it on the 'Bona Drag' album. he recorded this with The Smiths before he strted spinning Chop Cups and making Dove Pans.

2 Practice thst ridiculous card move I came up with earlier on

3 Visit The Magic Store and get Dylan to tell you his Estonia story.

4 Get some friends in the UK to send you over the latest 'Hustle' episode

5 Be kind to your sister and don't make her put her tongue on any live 9volt batteries.

6 PLAY with some magic props. I mean really PLAY with them like toys and see what you come up with.

Ok there is probably more but what the hell. Have a good weekend and I will see you on Monday when I intend to post my routine for The Multiplying Billiard Balls. You are in for a treat as it is a LITTLE more outside the box than most. I may be back if I feel a little better though.

Move For Moves Sake

I just thought of this cool sequence. It has been designed for the sake of it but that never seems to bother most of the card men I know.

Cards are face up BTW.

The AtkinsonTriple Card Sequence

Do a one hand top palm so it looks like the face card changes. With the card secreted in the palm execute a face up pass so it looks like the card changes again. Finally replace the palmed card on the top with a little bit of finger finesse so it look like the card changes back to the original one.


No Lois lane

Kid- Hey do you mind if I interview you?

Me- No

Kid- Great, so erm I'm in a Magic Store and these tricks are quite expensive aren't they?

Me- Don't you want to know what my name is?

Kid- Sorry, what is your name sir?

Me- Dean

Kid- So Dean, This magic is very expensive isn't it?

Me- How many other magic shops have you been in?

Kid- None

Me- So what are you basing your information on?

Kid- Ok I've been in loads of magic shops

Me- Ok what's the question then?

Kid- Well why are these little things so expensive..I mean they are not like big magic props are they?

Me- How do you know it's expensive?

Kid- Well it is

Me- What are your jounalistic sources?

Kid- School

Me- Just a sec

I walk away to attend to a customer

Kid (into a small microphone he has on the top of his i Pod.) Well he is talking to someone else now.....

Kids friends- Come on.

They leave and the guy who I am attending to buys $259 worth of Magic and Magic related products because I have all my speel worked out to a tea.

What can we learn from this as performers. Know your script and the rest of it will take care of itself. if you are not stuck for words then you won't be stuck for confidence. There is nothing worse than a messy, stuttery, delivery to make the rst of it look weak.

Ultimate Fantasies

We all have one of these. My Uncle loved Football and always wanted to play for Scotland....Oh hang on he did.... Oh that's right he was Don Masson. David and Nick are fantasising about power to rule the universe and all Steve Pellegrino wants is a hole in his head.

David Brent suggests that there are two distinct kinds of ultimate fantasy. Those that are within the realm of possibilty and those that are not. If I was living ina world where literaly anything was possible then I would choose to do this.

'Have Rod Stewart follow me around everywhere I went SINGING everything I did'

Outside the box? Old School.

The Answer Is..... Magic Police

We used to have some laughs when I was at LAMDA. Whenever we were watching someone else doing a secne (during rehearsals or in a class or something) and we thought that a person was 'milking ' we would make cow sounds. It was DEAD funny but I suppose you had to be there. Another of these japes involved making siren sounds and saying "ACTING POLICE PLEASE REMAIN CALM" when one of the luvvies was making a bit of a dogs breakfast of it.

Anyway what has this got to do with the fact that David and Nick are not seeing the posts properly? Well, I have come to the conclusion that because I decided to post the explanations for a couple of my magic routines, The Magic Police have intercepted them put some sort of lock on the posts as viewed by Super Villans like David and Nick. I can sort of understand why. The last thing we need is guys like that using my Chop Cup routine for evil.


A couple of my friends have emailed me this moring to express concern that they were not seeing the posts exactly as I am seeing them at my end. If anyone is experiencing any difficulty reading anything I apologise and will try and fix it up as soon as I can.

The two friends in question are David Jones and Nick Morton. David mentioned that a lot of what I wrote did not come through to his work computer. David is a Super Villan and as he pointed out to me, is dealing with a very secure network full of protective firewall software. Nick Morton, to the best of my knowledge, also uses his work computer. Nick is the real life version of the Patrick Stewart Character in X - Men and so I assume that the network in that secret underground city he lives in is secure as well. See how it all comes together.


Thursday, April 20, 2006

Since I Am In The Giving Vein

This is a workhorse in every description. I have used this for 4 years solid. Everyone loves it. Iparticularly like the subtely of the magnet usage and the fact the the whole routine uses the one ahead idea to such advantage.

This is also published in 'CONJURING TRICKS TO AMAZE YOUR FRIENDS AND ANNOY THE NEIGHBOURS' Copyright Dean Atkinson 2004

From me to you.

The Chop Cup Routine
copyright Dean Atkinson conjuring Tricks To Amaze Your Friends and Annoy the Neighbours


A Chop Cup Routine.


Following in the tradition of loads of card and coin books that have gone before me I have decided to end this booklet by explaining my Chop Cup Routine. I have been playing around with this effect since I was about thirteen and in recent yeas have developed a routine that works perfectly for me. I hope that it may also work perfectly for you. The routine that follows is what I consider to be a perfect example of the one ahead principle. It takes the emphasis off the cup and places it on to others parts of the anatomy, the hand the underarm and also on the pocket, this all helps to pull focus away from the cup by the way. Above all it uses the magnet in a subtle way, as a holdout employed incredibly sparingly and at the correct times to create the perfect illusion of complete reality.

I have always considered that the magnet within a Chop Cup should be treated like any other gimmick be it double-facer, thumb tip or shell coin. The use of such gifts needs to be subtle, there usage needs to be limited to those moments in a routine where one could not possibly get away without using such apparatus, those points where the effect would be far weaker if it was not for the gaff in play. In the following routine I use the magnet inside my cup only twice! It is my opinion that this is truly the great strength of the routine, that less is definitely more. One needs to view the following effect as simply a One Cup Routine rather than a Chop Cup Routine, a single cup routine I might add, with a brilliant secret. This secret magnet will be used intelligently and will hopefully fry you’re audience. I would much rather look at the Chop Cup with this regard than as a trick about a ball that constantly returns to the cup a million times after a good, hard bang against the table.

I hope you enjoy my work on this most intriguing of effects.

One final thing before I unleash this on you. I have never considered the Chop Cup or Cups and Balls for that matter, to be suitable candidates for over premising or clever and/or novel approaches in terms of presentation. The ideas surrounding this type of effect are, arguably, four thousand, plus, years old. The trick with the little balls and the cups or cup will be around after we are all gone and I don’t think we ever need to worry about presenting this effect for what it is, the dramatisation of the ‘Cup and Ball Game’. I am not suggesting for a second that you bore your audience to tears by asking them to play the game with you and constantly ask them to tell you where the ball is now. What I am saying is that the existing premise of the Cups and Balls is ugly enough and certainly old enough to stand alone. For this reason I present the whole thing as a theatrical account of how carnival con- men would swindle punters out of their money during a little game of follow the ball, a game which ends with the con-man winning your money and yourself walking away with only a few carnival toys in the form of three rubber balls (loads). Having said all of that I am not including my patter here but rather just an explanation of the routine. I have decided to leave out the script not because I am a bastard but rather that I want you to present it in your own unique way and also I dislike magic books that are filled to breaking point by the authors exact dialog for every effect. I always skip over it and I can only assume you would do the same.

The cup and magnetic ball are in the drawstring bag waiting to be withdrawn. In the right pants pocket there are three larger loads (I use big rubber balls) and the matching smaller ball (The one that is not magnetic)

The draw string bag is opened and the ball pulled out. This ball is placed on to the table along with the cup, which is taken out directly afterwards. The ball is placed into the cup and the cup is turned over with enough force that the ball is dislodged from it’s magnet. This is done as you describe what the game of ‘Cup and Ball’ is all about, the ball being placed inside the cup and then taken out really quickly. You now pick up the ball and execute a false transfer from the right hand to the left. Thew right hand is now used to hitch up the sleeve a little and in so doing a suspicious movement occurs near to the underarm. You actually retain the ball in a right hand palm but the audience’s assumption is that you may have hidden it in the armpit. This is another example of what I call Magic Micro Sleep. The ball is retained in its place of origin but through subtle misdirection, used here as a double bluff in as much as the audience could be led to believe that the ball has been secreted beneath the arm when it hasn’t, the audience looses track of the true sequence of events entirely.

At this point you pick up the cup and use it as a pointer. Firstly it is tapped against the closed left hand (empty) and then up against the underarm during which actions you explain to the audience that at this point, in the carnivals of days gone by, punters were never quite sure whether the little ball was in the hand or under the arm. As you say this the cup is lowered back down and in that action the ball is allowed to be loaded into it from the right hand. The ball rolls into the cup and attaches to the magnet so that it can be slowly placed, mouth side down, to the table. This is the first example of the use of the magnet as a subtle hold out device. Without actually referencing it you are placing an empty cup to the table. The audience already knows that the ball can only be in one of two other places anyway as they consider that this is the nature of the game. The assumption of the audience is that they need to be watching the hand and the underarm very closely to try to catch you out. In a standard one cup routine the ball would be loaded in the usual Cups and Balls fashion and the cup placed to the table with enough speed that the ball would not fall or roll out. During such an action the audience would be none the wiser for the secret load but since we have a magnet we may as well use it. This concept is a very important element of sleight of hand magic as far as I am concerned, the subtle employment of gimmicks to compliment one’s skill.

The cup is therefore lowered slowly to the table, without it being too obvious, during which point the focus never really leaves the left hand and underarm

The hand is opened slowly to reveal that the ball is not actually there. At this point most people should believe the ball to be under the arm. If the Micro Sleep has done its job correctly and if the audience is human they should have absolutely no other option than to believe this to be the case. You slowly raise your arm to show that the ball is not hiding under there either. I consider this moment to be very strong both theatrically and magically so don’t underplay it. You now explain that the ball is actually dropped into the pocket when no one is looking, which is actually a feasible reality. The right hand reaches into the right pants pocket and pulls out the second of the balls.

It is interesting at this point to consider the beautiful time delay that is steadily increasing on the reveal of the ball under the cup. It is just sitting there waiting for you but we will delay it just a little while longer. For me this is the essence of the routine. There is a definite sense of getting one or even two steps ahead of the game and then waiting another few beats than usual before revealing the fact. The ball in the right hand is apparently placed into the left again and the audience invited to witness the actual work of the ditch to the pocket. In reality the ball is retained in the right hand once more by way of another false transfer. The right hand now moves toward the underarm as you explain that the motion is actually a bluff to throw the audience off the scent. In actuality you really do leave the ball in the armpit at this point. I love this bit! The impression is such that I am showing the audience how I threw them off the scent in the previous phase when in reality I am throwing them off the scent again. The hand moves out of the armpit as if still holding the ball and pretends to place it into the right pocket. At this point the right hand moves out of the pocket palm up to emphasise it’s emptiness. You now ask the audience if you are going to fast for them and should you start again? This is said very quickly as you lift up the cup to reveal that the ball is actually there. This is a beautiful moment. It has been so long since the cup played a part in the game that the reveal is totally unexpected. This is a classic example of the practical benefit of time misdirection.

The ball is picked up and dropped into the cup. The cup is turned mouth downwards upon the left hand and the hand quickly moves away closing, as it does so, into a fist. The audience is led to believe that the ball is inside this hand when in reality it is sticking to the magnet again. I first saw this type of steal performed by Don Allan. The right hand maintains its fake hold upon the ball and the left hand slowly lowers the cup mouth downwards to the table to subtly infer its emptiness once more. This is the second and final time the magnet will be used in the routine.

There is apparently a ball inside the right hand and in a moment we will cause it to vanish and appear in the armpit, yes remember that there is a ball waiting for us under there! It would be all too easy at this point to simply open up the right hand to reveal it as being empty. Instead of being boring and predictable we will take the disappearance of the ball to one more level. The imaginary piece of ‘nothing at all’, posing as a ball in the right hand, is transferred into the left hand, which closes into a fist as if taking something. The right hand moves away palm up so that people can see it is unquestionably empty. You blow on your hand and tell the audience that at this point the con-man operating the game is miles ahead of the punters. The hand is opened to show that the ball is not actually there and at the same second the ball in the armpit is allowed to fall from there and into the right hand.

You now explain that the game works because of the ‘Fake Transfer’. The ball is held in the left hand French drop position and an open exposed fake transfer is carried out into the right hand. You tell the audience that you don’t really place the ball in the pocket and with that move the hand into the pocket itself. This gesture is used so that you can secretly pick up on the first of the larger loads be they super balls or pieces of fruit. The hand comes out of the pocket hiding the load and moves directly and quickly to the underarm again. You tell the audience that you don’t really place the ball in the armpit but actually leave the load in there! The gesture to the underarm is used to illustrate the words you are saying and the fact that you are apparently shoeing the audience what it looks like to pretend to place something there. The audience assumption at this point should be that there is nothing under the arm. A few faster folks may consider that you have placed another small ball in there. This is all the better for you and the ultimate reveal of the larger load. You now tell the audience that the ball really stays in the left hand and show it to be there.

We are now entering the final sequence of the effect. There is a large load beneath the left arm and a ball waiting for us under the cup. Yes remember that. I even forgot about that and I’m typing the trick up. The other two loads are in the pocket with the exposed ball in the left hand. The audience is still only aware of a little cup and a little ball. The ball is openly taken in the right hand and placed into the right pants pocket at which point another of the loads is grabbed. The hand comes out of the pocket and the other hand lifts up on the cup to reveal the other ball. At this exact moment the larger load is placed secretly into the cup and the cup placed back down for the moment. The exposed ball is taken and also placed into the pocket where the hand picks up on the final load. The re-appearance of the extra ball is excused as cheating on the part of the Carney. You tell the audience, at this point, that an extra ball is used to throw off the punters during the game. As you say the words “Extra ball” The cup is lifted to reveal the bigger ball and a big surprise. In the tradition of the first load you will use this moment of astonishment to load the third large ball beneath the cup, which is again placed on to the table with the first large ball sitting on top of it. The technical work in this effect is now over. All that remains for you to do is let the load in your underarm fall into the right hand where it is placed to the right of the cup. The cup is now moved to the left and lifted up to reveal the final large ball.

To end, the cup (with first load on top) is placed in between the outer balls to create a strong final image.

My second, or maybe third favourite card routine......Enjoy!

UNDER THE STAIRS. Copyright Dean Atkinson 2004. conjuring tricks to amaze your friends and annoy the neighbours


The performer riffles through the deck requesting that a spectator calls stop at any time she likes. The card that is thus stopped at will be remembered as the selection.

The performer proposes that with a simple snap of his fingers this card will magically rise to the top of the deck. He snaps his fingers and turns over the top card revealing it to be a Jack. The spectator is asked if this was her card to which she replies that it is not. Never fear, the Jacks will be used to locate the whereabouts of said card and the remaining three of them will rise visually to the top bringing the selection with them. The first jack is turned face down and inserted into the end of the deck. The deck is now given a gentle riffle and another face up Jack appears from nowhere on the top. It is noticed however that these Jacks have failed to bring with them, the selection. The Jacks are now placed, for safe- keeping, with the first, stuck out the end of the deck.

With these cards still in place the performer cuts the cards bringing a completely new card to the top. Maybe this could be the selection? It is turned over and discovered to be yet another Jack. Something’s up! The performer points out that there could not possibly be more than four Jacks in one deck and so he sets aside the previous jacks by thumbing them face down to the table. The fifth Jack is now placed beneath the spectators palm so we can keep it under lock and key for later. The deck is placed aside and the first four jacks are picked up in the hands. A magical gesture is made over these cards and they somehow transform into the three of a kind that correspond with the original selection.

The card between the spectator’s palms is revealed to have somehow transformed into the selection itself.


This is arguably the hardest trick in the booklet. This coupled with the fact that it also requires a face- up/ face- down set up means that I very rarely perform it. I am including it here as I think it has tremendous impact and is an example of good design structure. I would also love to see someone else work it up and show to me at some point.

The set up from the top down is as follows;

Face down Jack/face down X card/three face- up Jacks/face down Tens/

A fourth finger break is taken blow the lowermost card of the set up, a Ten. This card is then riffle forced upon the spectator. In the execution of this force care must be taken not to expose the face up nature of the cards above the force card. For this reason the riffling process must begin at a point lower than the set up with the cards being split, as per normal, within the secret break. The force card is on the face of the packet you split in the right hand and it is displayed to the spectator for her to memorise it. This packet is much smaller than it should be so you have to make sure you keep the packet angled up at all times during the showing of the face card and then angle it and the deck downward when replacing the packet on top.

The Ten has now been forced and the pack is still in the same order. The riffle force is the only force that will work here as the set up needs to be the same before and after the card has been selected.

You now talk about how you are going to make the selection rise to the top of the deck. Snap the fingers and turn over the uppermost Jack. This is revealed to be the wrong card. No matter, you will use the other Jacks to advantage. These cards will help you locate the whereabouts of the card in question. You talk about how the Jacks are a bit like Jacks in the Box and how the deck itself will project them to the top bringing the selection with them. At this point you grasp the first Jack by it’s right long side and revolve it face down. The Jack is now placed face-up into the end of the deck

Note that the card must be angled quite considerably to the left for the following actions to be effective.

The left fingers now establish a break below the top card of the deck and pass this card quickly to the bottom. It is possible for a pass to be executed as the out-jogged card is angled slightly to the left enabling the correct grip to be established. To the audience it appears as if the remaining three Jacks have appeared instantly on top, face-up to boot. You spread these face-up cards to the right somewhat to see if they have brought the selection with them. They have not but you use this action to get a break beneath the sixth card from the top of the deck. This is the third of the Tens. The cards are pushed back over to a squared position and a break is maintained beneath them. You will now carry out a version of the Daryl emergency change to switch the Jacks for the Tens as follows. Grasp the six card packet between the thumb and fingers of the right hand and start to move them to the right.

As the cards start to clear the deck the deck itself is flipped over on to them but the packet stays face-up in as much that the Jacks remain face-up and the Tens remain face-down.

Once the packet is flush with the deck the left fingers re-grip it and the right hand can let go. At this point the deck is turned completely over so that the out-jogged card is face-down. At this point, in the original Daryl move there is a brief pause after which the deck is revolved to show a different face. If we were to do this now the Tens would show and it would appear as though the Jacks had instantly transformed into them. Instead of that we will use the concept of the move as a delayed switch. The deck stays exactly where it is and the left thumb pushes over the first of the Tens underneath. The right fingers move around the front of the deck and take the face down card, which everyone assumes to be a Jack. The left thumb then thumbs over the other Tens one at a time as the right fingers take them on top of one another. These cards are now inserted below the existing out-jogged Jack and allowed to be squared behind it. The deck is now turned over and a Jack is again seen. The audience have no choice but to assume the other three Jacks are behind it. The actual Jacks are face down on top of the deck.

You now explain how you will have to resort to manual labour to find the selection as the magic Jacks do not seem to be responding. A break is now taken beneath the top two cards (Jacks) and they are double undercut to the bottom of the deck. This action serves as your trying to find the card yourself.

The Top card (final Jack) is now turned over to which you express some concern. There are not meant to be five Jacks in a deck! The Jack is turned face down and so is the deck. You will now carry out a top change to exchange the Jack for the next card (selected Ten) This action is covered by the left hand moving to the table to unload the out-jogged cards thereon.

The hand moves to this position seconds after the top change has been made and the actual exchanged card, which is held at the right fingertips, is placed to the right of the now tabled packet. The spectator is asked to place her hand on to the single Jack (selection). At this point the left wrist turns palm up again and another Jack is seen at the face of the deck! To create yet another interesting display of ‘All Jacks’ you could also carry out the old move of tossing the entire deck minus the top and bottom cards, which are held back due to friction, from the right hand to the left. During this a few more Jacks will be seen giving the illusion that Jacks are appearing from nowhere. For what reason this is happening I don’t know as it has absolutely nothing to do with the trick but it looks good and its funny. .

Let us talk for a moment about the current audience assumption. The audience believes that the small pile of cards upon the table contains four Jacks and that the card in between her hands is a fifth card that matches one of these Jacks. The reality of the situation is that the pile consists of three Tens with one single Jack at the face and the card between the palms is actually the selection.

What you will now do is transform the apparent Jack plie into three of the Tens. This is accomplished by means of my packet snap change described in more detail in the lecture. You may also remember how I discussed a way of switching cards in preparation for this move by means of the my face up addition switch. This switch is described in detail during the explanation for the effect Money described earlier in the booklet. Suffice to say that the four card packet on the left side of the table is now picked up and held face out to the audience. A Jack shows on he face re-enforcing the earlier illusion that the packet consists entirely of Jacks. The mechanics of a Marlo snap change are now executed. The packet is held by the fore and index finger on the face (towards the bottom of the cards) with the thumb on the back. The index finger is now pulled downwards and in the same action the face card is pulled around the back of the packet.

The other cards fan out naturally creating a perfect illusion of a four for four change. The major exception to this particular handing of the move is that there are more than two cards in play. Although the basic handling is almost exactly the same the illusion of this change is much greater than usual. Because of the previous switch and the nature of it’s delayed action you appear to have done a lot more than you actually have with the snap change The psychology of the audience is that these cards are all Jacks and so the transformation of them into three Tens is most deceptive indeed.

The Tens can now be flopped backwards and on to the secret card in order that this card be tidied up somewhat. The entire packet is then dropped face up on to the deck. The Jack will then become dissolved into face down cards. You ask the spectator if these cards remind her of her previous selection. She hopefully says yes and discovers this card beneath her hand. This final moment should not be considered an anti-climax by the way as it is arguably the strongest part of the entire routine.

This routine can be found between the pages of my lecture Notes

'Conjuring Tricks to Amaze Your Friends and Annoy The Neighbours'

I own full copyright on the published routine but please feel free to use the effect.

Notice how I put all of the photos at the top of the post (completely out of sequence to boot) so that only serious people would bother to skip back and forth. In the explanation I describe this efffect as something I very rarely do. A Lot has changed in the two years since I wrote the booklet. I have made quite a few design changes to Under The Stairs and now use it ALL the time. Please think of me when you perform it and credit me correctly if any of your magic friends ask who it belongs to.

The notes can be purchase through my website or by emailing me on

This routine along with a couple of others from those notes will be included on my DVD (Magic Without Rabbits) to be released later this year.

I intend to post a few more here fopr your own pleasure though.

More Delicious Tasting Things

What would we do without them? What's he talking about? I hear you cry. Could it be hands. Eyes. ThumbTips, Computerised Girl To Tigers. Zoonds nay and thrice nay good sir! I am actually talking about wives. Female readers will have to insert another word there, or not as the case may be......Hey it's the 2000sands.

My Lovely wife Joanne cooked up a storm in India tonight by preparing me a tasty Butter chicken dish. My wife is a fantastic cook and really knows her way around the kitchen. Unlike me. I sometimes get lost in the fridge. Just in between the eggs and the potato salad...yea you know what I'm saying fellas.

Ohhhh I can still taste that delicious blend of meat and spices served on a hot bed of boiled rice. I am going to cozy up in front of the TV now all full of the taste of India. After I walk the dog. Who, in himself, is all full with the taste of Pal.

So all you husbands out there, give a little thought to that one tonight and do the dishes. What Would we do without them?

Speaking of Toys

Yes, speaking of toys these are a few of my favourites in no particular order. Understand that I USE these I don't view them as collectables. they are used and in most cases ABUSED. As explained earlier though they are not sooo serious that I do not consider them Toys.

1 Fakini Balls.2 inch
2 Schoolcraft 3CM and a lovely dollar size CSB
3 Starsini Cylinder with Caps. Solid stuff
4A flat topped chop cup in copper from Morrisey. Ok not exactly impossible or even difficult to get hold of but a lovely looking toy none the less. Morrisey started to spin chop cups after The Smiths split up.

I guess I will be adding those new Auke cups soon too.

PS The 3CM, Starsini Cylinder and a ramsay Stack that was also made by Jamie all live in one routine. Together they form the most expensive trick in my repertoire. Save for the Computerised Girl to Tiger but you know how it is with those...You can't have too many.

Delicious Tasting Cups

If I admit to you all what the real problem was with not being able to send a fax 'like' all day today...I would be the laughing stock of Officeworks.

Anyway it is all done and dusted now. Top Magic Bloke Auke van Dukkom now has all the details he needs to get a set of his lovely Mini Cups out to me. I am informed that my waiting time is only roughly 14 days. This was because he already had them in stock. Anyone interested in buying a top notch set of Cups and Balls should visit his website.
Auke responds to emails very quickly and with regularity. I will no doubt be ordering more magic toys from him in the future...maybe a set of his standard size cups.

Mmmm delicious.

Top Blokes in Magic #1 David Jones.

Every now and then I have this fleeting thought. The idea never reaches fruition though as I just don't have any spare time or spare cash to invest in personal theatrical risks but anyway the idea is that of producing a one man show.

So, the fact that my mind works the same as Top Magic Bloke, David Jones is something I should be thankful for more than him. David is a so called Top Magic Bloke for loads of different reasons. His email to me recently suggesting that I putt together a one man show combining my acting and magic talents, along the lines of Ricky Jay, Josh Jay, Paul Gertner, PatTrick and Mark Mayer is only one reason for his greatness.

David is one of the busiest, most respected and talented magicians in this country and few things fill me with more magical delight than to be able to call him a friend.

His email about the one man show DID start my creative juices flowing again but as he reminded me all those other Top Magic Blokes who had done it before me had a hook. Their shows did not revolve around magic as a plot but rather as a means to breathe life into a larger idea. In Gertners case it was the progression of magical child to magical adult. Ricky Jay concentrated on the historical aspects of magic. Josh potrayed a day in the life of a young magician which he narrated form his apartment, Pat's show (which I worked a little on) was all about 'The Swindle' and Mark's excellent show Talking to The Dead Lying to the Living focused on Psychic Fraud and used Mentalism to illustrate this.

So a hook. A theme. Hmmm, but what? Well maybe a one man show all about this blog would be a go. Like the show of the book sort of thing you know. working with a structure like that I could be sure to include all kinds of rubbish and not just have to talk about or (heaven forbid) actually DO magic that much.

Suffice it to say this saga will continue but above all please remember. David Jones IS STILL a Top Magic Bloke.

Toys...In One Way or Another.

Whilst on the way to The Magic Store this morning I was thinking about how lucky I am to have a day job like this. This is SUCH a stimulating day job for an Artist/Man in a Boys World. I was thinking about how I get to play with, sell and order all these toys every single day. This thought lead me to remember that that is exactly what magic props are. Toys, and I mean that in a VERY respectful way. I believe that toys ARE to be respected and taken seriously. let me tell you right now that I know two little girls who have loads of toys and they take them VERY seriously.

And so, these thoughts then lead me to remember something I once heard Jeff McBride saying on one of his excellent DVD's

I'm paraphrasing, but it was somethng like "Magic is a Form of Adult Play" What a genius. I love McBride..he's just so flipping good at everything.

Just because you use your magic props professionally and on a REGULAR basis( like I do) doesn't mean you can't look upon them as toys( as I do). Just because you collect rare and expensive pieces doesn't mean you can't view them with the same pure, child like, passion and energy. Or something like that.

Whatever way you look at it blokes and blokesses playing with magic props (whether they are in the comfort of their own bedrooms or at some swanky cocktail party getting paid loadas of cash)are indulging in a bit of childish nostalgia and any 'practice' with bits of gear like The Cups and Balls to The Dynamic coins can only be descibed as a form of 'Adult Play'. This to me is one of the reasons why magic is so interesting and pleasurable.

So, Is it possible that many pros run the risk of forgetting what it's like to play because the routines start to become such workhorses? Now look don't get me wrong routines absolutely MUST become workhorses in order to be polished and solid but it doesn't mean that you have to stop looking at those props as toys. Why? It can be very useful to you.

OK here's my latest theory. If you feel like you are becoming a little too serious about your 'standards' or your 'signatures' try looking at your props as toys instead of looking at them like you look at the computer at the office etc. It is my strong personal belief that this little psychological game may allow you to escape old routines ( that you know inside out) from becoming a little stagnent. It may even allow you to explore new and interesting corridors no one has ever gone down before. This sort of excersise helps me to open up 'Eugene Burger's Magic House' every single day.

Now look, having read this make sure you understand one thing. I reckon that toys are serious and fun all at once. I reckon that the business of magic (my business) is a very SERIOUS thing. I hinted earlier about collecters. I also appreciate that collecting magic is a very serious pastime. Remeber this. Toys are only childish if you look upon them as an adult. Or something like that.

At the weekend The Atkinson house- hold create whole worlds with toys. Star Systems, Fairy Kingdoms, Under Water Universes. We become TOTALLY LOST...ABSORBED...SERIOUS with toys. Give it a try with your magic props, you never know what might happen to you and your audiences.

My latest 'Magic Toy' is a set of van Dukkom Mini Cups BTW. I am just about to order them from Auke. The Cups and Balls is a total standard for me. It's one of my workhorses. I do it every day and I am purchasing these cups for some very specific reasons two of which are

1 I need to be able to transport a small set of cups in my pockets when I work to put food on the table (serious)

2 I just want to play with them. (also serious)
