I'm Sorry But That Doesn't Apply To Me

I have (coincidentally) read a few commets on the internet over the past few nights which seem to infer that people who get into magic did so because they were geeks or class clowns, starving for attention in their past. wheras I agree that an interest in magic is possibly the product of a certain specific and powerful feeling, need, emotion or incident I do not think it holds that everyone who does magic was a dork growing up. I personally got into magic because I hated the fact that i didn't know how any of Paul Daniels' Tricks worked. I loved PD becasue he had the power of knowledge. Later as I became passionate about magic I learned to respect paul as a performer. A performer who namely actually shaped my first few magic years. I still think that he is one of the greatest performers/personalities of the past century. He is also a top bloke.
I also don't think that being the class clown means that a person is un popular or starving for attention. I was a class clown, chased hot chicks and was also The Head Boy, voted by the students I might add. So see I'm loved. I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam loved!!!!!!!!!!!!
That said, some are geeks though. Ohhhhh lordy so!
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