
This cold of mine seems to be developing' arse end' first. They usually start with the sore throat, then I get those (strangely satisfying) aches and later that night the sneezes (oh God there the worst of it). This 'cold' if that's what it's calling itself these days, seems to be climaxing with the throat. A bit like a bad adult movie.
I stayed in bed until about 9am which is very unusual for me, whilst Joanne got the girls up and ready for ballet. It really is a pain in the neck (my neck is not actually effected by this cold I am just speaking metaphorically)because I had planned to go along to ballet with them this morning. It would have been the first time I had ever seen them at ballet as up until a couple of weeks back I was working at The Magic Store on Saturdays during what is commonly known as an 'Industry Week' (Thursday - Monday).
They are going to be out pf the house for about an hour so I might try and get a few things done. the Hoover, for example, could do with a an airing.
Oh well I suppose every cloud has a silver lining, in as much that I'll be able to post on the blog all weekend. When the cruel hand of fate closes a door he sometimes opens a window(because his house is small and he does these little farts all over the place) which is good news for anyone who is racking their brains about the best Billiard Ball routine to make their first million with. Look no further. I intend to post the routine at some point tonight.
Speaking of Billiard Balls I recieved an email from Denny at Denny and Lee's this morning. It was to tell me that they had recieved their latest shipment of 'Fakini' products from Frank Radke in Toledo. For those of you not familiar with Radke's balls (oh err matron) it has to be said(again) that these are the very best balls available for the manipulator. Look no further! As well as being a wonderful user friendly product, they are also a fandabeedosy magic toy and you all know what value I place upon that. Anyway, I have been trying to get hold of some extra 'Fakini' shells and stuff from Denny for a while but unfortunately all of my specifications were not met with this particular order. I get these crazy ideas about the use of extra shells and stuff. Not just with Billiard balls but also with coin routines. (At this interval I would actually like to digress and say that the most imaginative thinker I have ever known with the use of 'extra' gaffs in coin magic is Chris Shing. Chris is far and above the greatest coin guy in this country and I am delighted to be able to call him a friend. This guy not only has the chops but the brains and the balls to fry you into a crispy cinder of flaberghasted magic ash. You would never ever know 'what' or 'how many' of each gaff he had in play until it was too late. Before you knew what was going on you would have been HAD.) I made sure to hide that in a huge block of text in the hope that Dr Shing won't read it. He is a terrible blusher. So back to Fakini...yes....My routine uses two shells, specifically a 'Shimada Double Shell Roll Down' right at the end to create a back- fire. yes a back- fire in a ball routine. All will be revealed tonight.
Suffice to say though my balls and I are feeling much better this morning. Now where's the StrepsilsTM?
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