Something I Forgot To Mention On The Underground

I woke up feeling as sick as a dog again this morning. A smaller dog this time a little Chitzu or something. It seems that cold of mine had decided to pull a re- lapse jobby on me. Joanne, incidentally, came down with the awfull sore throat part and went to bed at about 9pm last night. Because she was stil crookl in bed early this morning when the girls woke up I got up with them on my own and flaked on the couch. I had this awfull headache with it too. Thankfully it has all but gone now but the throat still remains. Jo feels a lot better and as yet the kids aren't showing any signs. As soon as one of them comes down with something it will ALL be on I promise you.
Let me tell you something about living in a household with young twins. Sickness just rolls around in a cycle for about three weeks. they just keep bouncing the germs back and forth like game of horrible tennis until the strain finally gets too week and they make a recovery. Cross your fingers and toes. Pray for me that they don't come down with it.
Anyway, musing over sickness again and having to deal with it for another morning reminded me of something I forgot to tell you on Friday. Because I started to feel as sick as a dog(the big dog that time....the german Shepherd or that dog in The Omen or something)I had to cancel a drinks appointment with my very good friend Richard Jones. Richard is a classic case book example of one of those guys who is incredible with cards without being really well known within the magic community. You know the sort of guys I mean. They do normal jobs and play around with cards on the side eventully becoming unbelieavable and in most cases developing all of their own material. They stay away from performing for the public at large because they do normal jobs and they don't go to magic clubs because they are to busy with work and family and things.
Sometimes these guys become so good that they go into competitions, win and become famous like Lennart Green. In other cases they upload some insane material on to the internet and achieve notariaty that way, like Andy Gordon. Sometimes they just continue to do there thing and occasionally mix with a FEW other magaicians who are as laid back as they are and can talk about OTHER stuff too.
I was really annoyed that I didn't get a chance to catch up with rich on Friday so I would like to post this in his honour along with some other guys I know who fall into this same cateogary. one other classic example of this kind of secret underground figure is Jamie Razman in Adelaide. Although it has to be said that Jamie is currently making much more of an effort to get out there. If you are ever in SA hook up with him and get him to show you some of his coin work. I reckon he must be the second best in the country after Chris Shing.
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