Toys...In One Way or Another.

Whilst on the way to The Magic Store this morning I was thinking about how lucky I am to have a day job like this. This is SUCH a stimulating day job for an Artist/Man in a Boys World. I was thinking about how I get to play with, sell and order all these toys every single day. This thought lead me to remember that that is exactly what magic props are. Toys, and I mean that in a VERY respectful way. I believe that toys ARE to be respected and taken seriously. let me tell you right now that I know two little girls who have loads of toys and they take them VERY seriously.
And so, these thoughts then lead me to remember something I once heard Jeff McBride saying on one of his excellent DVD's
I'm paraphrasing, but it was somethng like "Magic is a Form of Adult Play" What a genius. I love McBride..he's just so flipping good at everything.
Just because you use your magic props professionally and on a REGULAR basis( like I do) doesn't mean you can't look upon them as toys( as I do). Just because you collect rare and expensive pieces doesn't mean you can't view them with the same pure, child like, passion and energy. Or something like that.
Whatever way you look at it blokes and blokesses playing with magic props (whether they are in the comfort of their own bedrooms or at some swanky cocktail party getting paid loadas of cash)are indulging in a bit of childish nostalgia and any 'practice' with bits of gear like The Cups and Balls to The Dynamic coins can only be descibed as a form of 'Adult Play'. This to me is one of the reasons why magic is so interesting and pleasurable.
So, Is it possible that many pros run the risk of forgetting what it's like to play because the routines start to become such workhorses? Now look don't get me wrong routines absolutely MUST become workhorses in order to be polished and solid but it doesn't mean that you have to stop looking at those props as toys. Why? It can be very useful to you.
OK here's my latest theory. If you feel like you are becoming a little too serious about your 'standards' or your 'signatures' try looking at your props as toys instead of looking at them like you look at the computer at the office etc. It is my strong personal belief that this little psychological game may allow you to escape old routines ( that you know inside out) from becoming a little stagnent. It may even allow you to explore new and interesting corridors no one has ever gone down before. This sort of excersise helps me to open up 'Eugene Burger's Magic House' every single day.
Now look, having read this make sure you understand one thing. I reckon that toys are serious and fun all at once. I reckon that the business of magic (my business) is a very SERIOUS thing. I hinted earlier about collecters. I also appreciate that collecting magic is a very serious pastime. Remeber this. Toys are only childish if you look upon them as an adult. Or something like that.
At the weekend The Atkinson house- hold create whole worlds with toys. Star Systems, Fairy Kingdoms, Under Water Universes. We become TOTALLY LOST...ABSORBED...SERIOUS with toys. Give it a try with your magic props, you never know what might happen to you and your audiences.
My latest 'Magic Toy' is a set of van Dukkom Mini Cups BTW. I am just about to order them from Auke. The Cups and Balls is a total standard for me. It's one of my workhorses. I do it every day and I am purchasing these cups for some very specific reasons two of which are
1 I need to be able to transport a small set of cups in my pockets when I work to put food on the table (serious)
2 I just want to play with them. (also serious)
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