Through a lack of being able to procure the correct kind of re-fill paper I found myself making a 'Cardiographic' pad from scratch this morning. For those who are not aware of how unenviable this task was let me just say that Cardiographic is a perfectly balanced example of 'impossibly annoying to re-set (verses) fantastic reactions, ratio. Having said that, remember that I did NOT just re set it...I MADE a new one.
The thing is now complete and working very well considering I cannabalised about three pads/spiral binds/covers to make it. Cardiographic is a joy to perform and never fails to get anything less than a great reaction. After I had shouted at my wife several times during it's construction I calmly told her that it was all worth it......for whom exactly I don't know.
The plus side of making up a Cardiographic for myself was that I was able to transpose it to am A4 size pad, much better for my roadcase. BTW If you are going to reduce the size of this trick to A4 don't reduce the size of the gimmick/drawing. Keep that the sam eas it looks more impressive when a 'big' card starts to rise out of a 'big' picture. When Copperfield did this trick he used a massive pad and it looked great. When most of the people doing his exact routine, even down to the music
up loaded themselves on You Tube as raging plagiarists they used regular sized pads.
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