Roving Aces

This is a fairly easy ace cutting sequence that I do in roving.
1 Loose, and control the aces to the top via your favorite method.
2 The first ace comes into play via a simple false cut. As I do this when I am roving the cut I use is the 'Classic Pass False Cut'. Show that you have cut to the first ace. Pretty easy so why doesn't the spec try to find the second one for themselves.
3 As you say the above take a double from the top. Face up ace, and face down ace back to back. Riffle down the end of the deck and get the spec to call stop. Wherever they stop insert the double. You say "face up as a marker" You spread through to reveal that they have stopped at the second ace.
4 Outjog these cards and at the same time get a break under the top card (third ace)
5 Move the two face up aces to the top and do a simple sandwich load of the third ace between them. Cut them face up into the deck.
6 Pass them back to teh top. It looks like they visually rose bringing a card between them
7 Stick the three aces up aces in an outjog position.
8 Do a double lift and say, "The last ace is always difficult. It actually isn't the ace at first. Turn the double down and lift off the single face down ace. Place it into the outjogged cards face down and pull them all out of the deck.
9 Place the cards between the specs palms and have the X card transform into the last ace whenever you like.
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