Top Blokes in Magic #1 David Jones.

Every now and then I have this fleeting thought. The idea never reaches fruition though as I just don't have any spare time or spare cash to invest in personal theatrical risks but anyway the idea is that of producing a one man show.
So, the fact that my mind works the same as Top Magic Bloke, David Jones is something I should be thankful for more than him. David is a so called Top Magic Bloke for loads of different reasons. His email to me recently suggesting that I putt together a one man show combining my acting and magic talents, along the lines of Ricky Jay, Josh Jay, Paul Gertner, PatTrick and Mark Mayer is only one reason for his greatness.
David is one of the busiest, most respected and talented magicians in this country and few things fill me with more magical delight than to be able to call him a friend.
His email about the one man show DID start my creative juices flowing again but as he reminded me all those other Top Magic Blokes who had done it before me had a hook. Their shows did not revolve around magic as a plot but rather as a means to breathe life into a larger idea. In Gertners case it was the progression of magical child to magical adult. Ricky Jay concentrated on the historical aspects of magic. Josh potrayed a day in the life of a young magician which he narrated form his apartment, Pat's show (which I worked a little on) was all about 'The Swindle' and Mark's excellent show Talking to The Dead Lying to the Living focused on Psychic Fraud and used Mentalism to illustrate this.
So a hook. A theme. Hmmm, but what? Well maybe a one man show all about this blog would be a go. Like the show of the book sort of thing you know. working with a structure like that I could be sure to include all kinds of rubbish and not just have to talk about or (heaven forbid) actually DO magic that much.
Suffice it to say this saga will continue but above all please remember. David Jones IS STILL a Top Magic Bloke.
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