The Answer Is..... Magic Police

We used to have some laughs when I was at LAMDA. Whenever we were watching someone else doing a secne (during rehearsals or in a class or something) and we thought that a person was 'milking ' we would make cow sounds. It was DEAD funny but I suppose you had to be there. Another of these japes involved making siren sounds and saying "ACTING POLICE PLEASE REMAIN CALM" when one of the luvvies was making a bit of a dogs breakfast of it.
Anyway what has this got to do with the fact that David and Nick are not seeing the posts properly? Well, I have come to the conclusion that because I decided to post the explanations for a couple of my magic routines, The Magic Police have intercepted them put some sort of lock on the posts as viewed by Super Villans like David and Nick. I can sort of understand why. The last thing we need is guys like that using my Chop Cup routine for evil.
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