Dean's Gypsy Curse Routine

I have always been a great fan of Peter Kane's 'Gypsy Curse'. I actually consider it the best packet trick in existence even though it is essentially just a re hash of the classic Wild Card. I first sterted to perform it when I was 13 and I can honestly say that I have included it in almost every close up show that I have done. That's a lot of performances of one trick. My presentation for it has enjoys several incarnations over the years. The one I present here is the way I currently perform it. It is also worth pointing out that, of all the effects in my repertoire, Gypsy Curse was always my Dad's favorite trick.
In addition to the GC cards you will need a Himber wallet that they fit into and a $5 note.
Place the $5 and the GC cards into the wallet in such a way that the cards are in one side and the cash in the other.
1 Take out the cards and perform the effect up until the moment that the three apparent black cards are on the table (the rest of the cards are in your hands)
2 Ask a person to name where they think the back card is. Whatever they say ask them if they would be willing to bet $50 on it. You can now have as much fun as you like trying to get the money.
3 Place the money into the empty side of the wallet and close, reversing it on to the $5 side.
4 Say, I'll give you a clue it's one of the cards on the table. At thsi point reveal teh cards in your hand as four blacks.
5 Place the wallet down on whichever card they nominate.
6 Turn over the card to show that they are right.
7 You now say, watch me though because I cheat. All these cards are red. infact so are the cards in my hand. This renders the trick a fraud so all the money needs to be kept for poilce evidence. But here is something for your trouble
8 Open up the wallet and give the guy the five.
9 When you think the time is right you say. Actually these cards are worth about $50. Would you rather the cards or the cash.
10 Place the cards back into the empty side of the wallet and magically change them to the $50
11 I usually use a bit of time misdirection before I reveal this. It's a little too perfect if you so it quickly and looks like a trick wallet. I usually put the $5 away in the pocket, plus the pen I have used to get him to sign the $50 and then do teh reveal.
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