Excuses and Tootsie

Well to be honest there isn't one, at least not a plausible one. I was going to report back in after my fast and how difficult it was. The truth is I got a little side tracked with work, family and Magic Store commitments. I am pleased to say that I am now back.
The fast WAS hard. I still think David Blaine is an exceptional entertainer. I have to say though that I think he is someone who has gotten better over time. I happened to catch his very first special a while back and he's much better later on. I recommend fasting to anyone who wants to shed a few pounds and feel an over all sense of betterness. It has changed me back into the sort of pwrson who gives careful consideration to what he eats.
It's good to be back here and I hope you all start reading again.
BTW do yourselves a favour. Grab a copy of 'Tootsie' on DVD. I had completely forgotten how good this movie was. After seeing it again last week I put it right on to my ten best films of all time list. Every aspect of this picture is sensational. It's one of those movies you enjoy when your a kid but do not really understand the true comedy of until you are an adult. I LOVE this film. It is OHHHH so funny without sacrificing endearment. The characters are filled with love and empathy and played exceptionaly well. Please watch it again tonight.
I have always thought that Duistin Hoffman was a fantastic actor but one really needs to see a film like Tootsie to appreciate that he may actually be the best actor of all time.
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