No Batteries Required

So I guess that my sister not replying to that battery story means she has finally forgiven me.
There was another time that I dobbed her in for writting the word SHIT too. Hmmmm? I can only hope
That said I also gave up my pocket money once so she could afford a Barbie Princess Doll. I should say that she has never let me forget that either.
Emma and I went through a stage of walking to Stockton during the days of the School Summer Holidays as kids (She was only very little at the time) and we would always stop in at Leslie Brown Toys and have our dinner in McDonalds. I guess I gave up my Star Wars figure and happy meal that day. my Girls are just like Emma was back then. A lot of people on my side of the family say so too. It's funny how my walks into Chelsea or the Train Trips I take with Mad and Violet to Mordialloc (on my days off) remind me so much of those walks into Stockton with Em. Actually it's not at all funny when you think about it is it?
I live a long way from England now and I am happier than I have ever been in my life. There is not second that goes by when I don't think about Mam, Dad and Emma though. I owe everything to them and we all miss them a lot.
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