About five years ago I developed a routine called Cash Flash. I use it all over the place, close up walk around to platform gigs. It's a real workhorse. It's a very decent way of getting a borrowed note into play tooand has a very nice comic build that I have always been proud of. The long and short of it is that I am including this routine in my new set of magic lecture notes, 'Dean's Routines'. I wanted to call them 'Extreme Dean' but my name sake Dean Dill has already taken that.
Last night, whilst working an hour of roving, I tried out something new with the basic concept of Cash Flash. Instead of using money I simply use a signed playing card. As I was approaching the end of the routine I realised that the perfect climax would have been a Mystery Box. Luckliy I had mine on me at the time. It was too late to finish with it on that particular performance though because, as most of you are aware, The Mystery Box needs to be in play from the outset of a routine. Upon approaching the next group and after doing a few gags and my classic opening rope routine, which is also going in my new notes heaven help me, I belted out the full version of 'Card Flash'
Here it is.
1 the Mystery box is placed upon the table. When working rooms that have no tables I place it on the floor in the middle of the circle of people I am performing for. I also do Matrix on the floor sometimes. I got this idea years ago from my friend Chris Shing who actually does Shadow Coins on the floor.
2 A card is signed and the rest of the deck can be put away as it will not be used again.
3 As you are placing the deck away you steal a TT with a silk inside it from your pocket.
3 Do the old silk from card bit.
4 Place the silk and TT in your top jacket pocket or shirt pocket if working in Australia during the Summer months.
5 Fold the card into quatres and hold in the right hand.
6 Reach back into the jacket pocket for the silk and hold that at the left fingers.
7 Pretend to place the folded card under the silk but actually retain it in the right hand. A fake corner piece would work really well here as you could have the spec hold on to it. It might hold youuponbeing able to get the silk into the TT though.
8 Go into your pocket for a lighter and dump the card in there for a second.
9 Heat up the silk to create a bit of magic. Place the lighter back into the pocket.
10 Pull the silk away from the hand to reveal that the card has vanished.
11 You now draw attention to the Box. You say I will now push the silk inside my hand and change it back into the card. The silk will appear inside that box.
12 What you have to do now is get the TT. I have no logical reason for it (which is abummer as my magic usually has very good flow to and from the pockets) last night I just reached in and got it. whilst I was fumbling for the lighter again. You and I will need to work on this some more.
13 Vanish the silk in the TT and ditch whilst using the lighter again. At the same time palm the folded card back into play.
14 You say "ahhh no card" That's Ok at least the silk will have travelled to the box. Then you explain that to discover a red silk in the box would not be that impressive as there could be two silks that loook the same.
15 Instead you reveal that the missing card inside the box. Thispart is easy as you already have the folded card in your right hand for the MB Shuttle Pass move.
Most routines that us ethe KMB do not involve the card being folded openly from the outset so teh effect of thisclimax is somewhat weaker than other routines that use the prop.