Vent Practice Tips

Ok I know there are like a million people out there practicing ventriloquism at the moment. That's why there are only really about 3 people in the country that do it for a living. So here are some ideas that I have found useful over these past few months in learning how to do it better. Remember that it is very nerve racking so the more you can practice on real people the better. it's like magic in that respect. It is ALWAYS going to be smooth when you practice in your bedroom. Ohh err.
# 1 Let one of your puppets read your kids a bed time story every night.
Now I have been doing this since my kids were tiny but I only just started to do it without moving my lips. Maddie and Violet have become my best and most honest critics. Up until about three weeks ago they were still saying that my lips were moving. They are now saying that my lips are not moving. I KNOW that this is not a lie to make me feel better. What reason does a 4 year old have for that.
# 2 Give your puppet a part in all of your magic tricks.
Even if this is a s simple as your puppet coming out and saying the magic words. I have a routine with a Peeper Eye Puppet and I am currently using him to come out and breathe some magic on to the trick. befopre this I do a few lines from the set routine. I am doing this at every opportunity in The Store which means I am completely comfortable with the peeper at gigs.
# 4 Watch as many ventriloquists as you can.
Even if they don't teach what they are doing you get a stack of info from just watching them. I have been looking at a lot of Jeff Dunham lately. I reckon he is about the best around right now. It is also interesting how he is also Darren Carr's favourite vent. Darren ,for those that don't know, is Australia's best ventriloquist. Wheras watching Dunham has not helped with the lip control it has given me many things to think about in terms of timing, character seperation and comedy.
# 5 Take some acting, dialect and voice classes. I already did this many moons ago when I was studying to be an actor. Learn how to use breath control
# 6 Get a PA system. It's probably not going to work if your voice isn't amplified. I use a radio head set system.
# 7 Learn how to write funny material and then learn how to remeber it then learn how to say it as two different people......quickly.
Good luck. remember that vent is about 100 times harder than you think it is going to be. It's like being two stand up comedians at the same time.
BTW if you would like to see Fetch in action I suggest you come along to Magic Monday's a week on Monday. Tickets can be reserved by calling Dante's Restaurant on 9417 2468. they can also be purchased at The Magic Store by popping in or calling 9682 0153.
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