Thursday, July 27, 2006


Every now and then my girls will remind me of the regret I have at not keeping my Star Wars toys for them to enjoy. It's cute when your kids remind you of stuff like that by telling YOU the story you told them.

I told them about all of the figures and ships I had collected about six months ago when they started to show an interest in the movies. I explained that back when I was 10 I didn't know that I was going to be a daddy and that getting cash for a new computer desk was more important at the time. I had to put my 'Commadore 16' on something you know. So one cold winter afternoon in about 1984 or 85 I can't remember I lined up all the toys on the back lawn and most of the littler kids from the neighbourhood came along to grab the bargains. This sale happend only a few days after my final purchase, Luke Skywalker in a Stormtrooper outfit. Do you have any idea how cool that concept was to a 10 year old. Do you have any idea how cool that concept is to a 31 year old? I remember feeling mixed emotions that day. I didn't want to say goodbye to those things but I knew I had to. Some people let their toys go slowly, some never let them go at all. I let mine go and now I regret it. For the sake of the girls and for the sake of myself. Nothing would have given me more pleasure than being able to share all that stuff with them now....But it's gone. That cold winter afternoon and took a breath and gave up an entire life. I was able to LOOSE myself in Star Wars toys. I could lock myself in my bedroom and set up entire scenes on the window sill. Time quite literally stood still or passed with no consequence.

It's all gone now I rushed in like a fool. Sometimes you have to slow down. I still rush in now but I am much less of a fool and I am learning ways to deal with it. someone once said "When I became a man I put away childish things". What a twat.

Start buying it all back again I hear you say. Well there are a number of reasons why that is a ridiculous argument. 1) It's just not the same 2) I can't afford it as a way to just amuse myself whilst under the pretense that it is for the girls when they are really into Barbie. and 3) you can't get that stuff anymore. Also 4) it just wouldn't be nostalgia would would just be new toys. A crap new Starwars re- hash just like the crap new re- hash films they wasted money making. You CAN get the 'Original Trilogy' re- release figures though but like I said they are about $40. I imagine they were the equivalent back then too. I certainly remember them being more important back then. The toy shop I used had one of each figure (and they ALWAYS had the entire set bang up to date) under a GLASS COUNTER They also had a permanent member of staff behind it with all of the others on a peg rack at the back. You had to ask for the figure you needed and she would get it for you. How cool is that? SW figures were a class act when I was a kid. It was like going into Tiffany's.

Here are some of the pieces that I would have enjoyed watching Mad Violet (yes that IS me) playing with the most.


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