Tie Me Up. Tie Me Down.

Sometimes you get a very pleasant Suprise. For years I thought that The Royal Rope Magic DVD was probably pretty basic and not worth a look. I would sell it to begginers without really looking at the back and never putting it on to the big screen TV here at The Store. How wrong I have been in underestimating this DVD. Hosted by Tomas Medina who is in himself a hidden gem in my opinion this DVD has some equally 'gem like' rope routines on it. Routines including versions of The Ring on Rope, Kellar Rope Tie (performed as a nice card trick), Cut and Restored and Thumb Tie plus a full description of the small rope Long rope principle. A principle that I consider to be the ost important in all rope handling.
Copies can be purchased from The Magic Store for the ridiculous (Kamal Bhushan is going broke on these prices) price of $29.95
In general the Royal/Fun incorporated DVD's are much better than you think they are going to be. The Troy Hooser Cups and Balls one is another classic example of this.
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