Big Al's Lucky Card

You know that Al Capone had a lucky card right? It's true. Here why don't you point to one of these cards and sign HIS name on the face. Then we will always remember it as Big Al's Lucky Card.
Here I'll loose it in the deck just like the beggining of most good card tricks. The thing is Big Al always kept his card on top so he could deal it to himself in a game. I know it's not there now but if I snap my fingers...there it is. As long as it was on top he could deal seconds like this until he got to his spot. Let's loose it again.
I know what your saying. What about all those games he was in where he wasn't using his own deck. well he still carried it around with him. Right here in his pocket. I know that your thinking this card cannot possibly be Big Als but you'd be wrong. You see this card is indeed Big Als lucky card. You might be asking, "What if the back designs didn't match?" Yea, no one ever questioned it. They just let him win...All the time
You know, he used to play a game with his enemies....and some of his friends come to think of it. You had to cut to his card in a shuffled deck. If you got it right you could walk away with all of your limbs in tact. If you got it wrong, and I have to tell you that the stakes are pretty high, you had to put your finger in his famous cigar cutter. I got this on Ebay. I think it was part of a Hollywood estate from way back (Finger Chopper).
Want to play? Remember it's just for fun. Ok the card is lost. Cut the deck. What did you get? Oh what a surprise, you got it wrong. Put this card between your hands because I never want you to forget the reason why what is about to happen had to happen. Curl the fingers of your top hand around the lower hand but leave the fore finger sticking out.
Now you know what it must have felt like to be a life on the edge every day.
Wow check it out. The solid blade has gone straight through your finger without harming it. You know why?
You got the right card.
Check it out.
There it is between your palms. Big Al's Lucky Card.....Keep that forever and if you ever get hard up you could always try to sell it on Ebay. After all it has been signed by Al Capone.
Have fun.
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