Setting an Example

I saw a girl walking down the street with her young daughter yesterday. She (the mother) was puffing away on a ciggy without a care in the world while the daughter (in my opinion) was walking too close to the road, which out of interest was the busy 'Station Street' , main road which runs on the in -land side of the railway lines between Mordialloc and Carrum over in my neck of the woods.
Firstly the smoking. I can't understand why ANYONE in their right mind would want to indulge this habbit in this day and age. Especially people as young as this girl. It's insane given what we know about the dangers both to one's own health and the health of those around you. Which brings me to my second point. How can any responsible smoking parent think that it is fine to light up and suck away like that right in front of their kids. This case I mention was a particularly good example as the child was of impressionable age (about the same age as my two I would guess). Not only does this deliver a terrible misguided message of what is right and wrong to a little one but it also subjects them to half a life time of poisonous inhalation.
These parents may argue that they only smoke outside the house or in certain designated areas but I think that matters little within the construct of child psychology. I think that these parents should consider the future of their offspring and in so doing the part they themselves play in that future. As sure as God made apples most of those kids would want their Mummy's and Daddy's in their lives for as long as possible. Not dead under the sod. What a discrace that such a stupid little rolled up package of horrible weeds and drugs could mean the difference between life and death and at the same time risk orphaning a child.
Give it up for your kids.
Another thing while I'm on a rant about this. I seem to be seeing kids left in cars a bit too much lately. Or kids in the front seat without seat belts or on their parents knees. It's not good enough! Let's look at the 'alone in the car' thing. The parents usually arrive a few seconds after I discover these situations but that does not excuse the fact that it happens. DONT LEAVE YOUR KIDS IN THE CAR. It's insane! There are sooo many dangers.
1 They could start the car
2 They could strangle themsleves with a seat belt
3 Another car could crash into them (OK this could happen to any stationary car even if the parents were also in it, but what if the accident could have been prevented by pulling away quickly?)
4 Heat
5 They can be abducted
6 They can escape
and there are probably more.
I have dobbed in two people for this. Luckily for them they have rocked up with their excuses before the police arrived. Both times I managed to get the rego details over to the cops on my mobile so I can only hope that a back up check was carried out. I don't know how they work it though. One time I thought a particularly HARD looking Chelsea Mum was going to beat me up for calling the cops on her. It didn't come to that though as she was more concerned about getting away before the cops arrived. Proving she knew she was in the wrong.
I am staggered by the way some parents treat their children. The attitudes they take with them, the way they shout at them and the language they use in front of them in addition to the problems I have mentioned in this post. At times It makes me wonder if my wife and I are over protective. This wondering never turns into concern though as I know I am right to be a vigilant as I am.
It's child abuse. Don't do it.
Bravo Dean. I myself am a smoker, a guilty habit the I wish I was not stupid enough to have allowed myself to fall victim to as a teenager. One thing I have never done is smoke in front of children EVER and I also have butted them out if anyone even clears their throught when I am smoking. I know I should quit but that isn't what I am talking about right now.
I am disugsted at parents who smoke infront of their kids I once saw a mother with three boys under 5 walk out into the covered in carpark area of my local shopping centre and asked a child who would have been all of 3 to give her her cigarettes which he then produced from the pocket of his tracksuit pants along with mummy's lighter which she didn't ask for so obviously this was not a once off. The older of the three, about 5 or 6, then asked "Mummy I want to smoke" to which she answered not, no its bad for you, but "No because you are not old enough yet" I could not beleive I was witnessing the whole event.
Not only that I once had a pregnant lady ask me for a lighter. I promptly told her to bloody wake up to herself.
That's a real good comment Zac.
I was also a smoker for about three years, starting at drama school when I had to puff away for a play and then ending when I finally came to my senses.
Your story about the Mum and her kids is shocking.
You are obviously a person who intends to give up at some point in his life and the good thing about this is that you are still young. You can't ever have the time beack once you have lost it though, no matter how young you are. I think the earliest case of lung cancer was 34 or something. Kind of scary.
Thumbs up to though! One thing is for sure, giving up smoking like giving up any adiction or compulsion , it's devilishly hard. At times it can seem impossible. I admire anyone who take sthose steps. Taking some initiative and realising how bad it is is a credit to you Zac. Just think about all the extra magic books and DVD's you get with the money you saved.
There was a inquest recently (in country victoria) that concluded the accidental death of three young children caused either by matches or A (car) cigarette lighter after a stationary vehicle set on fire.
Needles to say the kids were playing alone in the car.
In this instance the kids had found their way into the garage afte their pregnant mother had fallen asleep so it is a very sad accident. that said it does illustrate another of the dangers of leaving your children alone in the car.
What a terrible sales pitch.
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