
I'm off to walk the dog now. When I get back I'm going to turn the TV around so I can sit closer to the fire, pour myself a glass of red and watch Good Night and Good luck on DVD. More true life ghost stories tomorrow. I have some corkers that are sure to get your goose bumps bumping. Tomorrow night a story titled 'Terry, The Greyhound and The Graveyard'
Having got all excited about scaring you with that story. I am now going to go out into the dark and walk the dog. That's a pretty un- savoury thought considering that I already know what happens in that story. Why did I implant that idea in my own head?
Goodnight and wish me good luck I guess.
I personally didn't like goodnight and goodluck. i thought it was slow without much of an ending. interested to hear what you thought though
I agree that it was slow, in that it wasn't racy, Hollywood garbage, But I thought the story was and is very important. I like it. It was thought provoking.
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