
The girls and I rented 'Valiant' today. I have to say I enjoyed this cartoon about pidgeons a lot. Although being an animation from the Dreamworks Studios they have made it look and feel like an old Ealing Studios war movie from the 50s. Very entertaining. I also have George Clooney's 'Goodnight and Good Luck' to look foward too tonight.
We also stuck loads of stickers all over the girls bedroom wall today. This is a custom they have gotten into lately. You may be forgiven for thinking that this would look like a' right mess' but it was actually authorised by Joanne and looks pretty cool against the light cotton tail that my Dad slapped on the walls just after Christmas. We also made Jo some paper napkin flowers for when she gets in from work. These are my latest fad BTW and I have even invested in odering some Michael Mode custom coloured napkins. I have an idea worked out for how to give them away at gigs as part of a trick. In many ways the napkin rose/flower is a more a sophisticated giveaway than a balloon doggie in my humble opinion. They are also dead easy to carry and don't have to be blown up. More about these later.
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