
We are off to the Library in a sec. The thing I like best about the Library is that they have some,quite a fair few infact, DVD's. You get to borrow two DVD's for a week. The cool thing about this is that they are the sort of movies you wouldn't rent from the video store. To be honst they are the sort of movies you wouldn't even watch if they were on TV. Oh I tell a lie you MIGHT watch them if they were on the ABC but it just wouldn't be worth sitting through them if they were littered with ad breaks. I'm talking about films like, Jumanj, Return to OZ, Star Trek 2, Flubber, etc etc.
The point is it's cool to be able to sit back and enjoy movies like that every now and then. Especially when they are so free and easy. By the time you get to the end credits you may know something you didn't know at the beggining. Like maybe, just maybe it wasn't half as bad as you always thought it was in the years you spent as someone who had reached that descision without ever having watched it......or something like that.
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