The Library is Not as Dismal as I Thought. The DVD's Are Not as Black as The Books Anyway

I have heard ohhhh soooo many good reviews of this show from the critics and my friends alike but I never saw any of them when they shown on Australian TV. The reason for this is that back at that time, ER (Emergency Room in laypersons terms) was on the other channel and Joanne was watching that. Jo will always win a TV watching competition hands down. It just stands to reason that the females in this household (any many I would imagine) have control over this aspect of domesticated family living, hence the reason why Kit and myself spend most of our time in here (the study) these days....on the computer and practicing the $100 Bill Switch and napkin rose making. Well I suppose that Kits just sits.
Anyway to slice a long story into little bite sized breakfast bits. the DVD range at Chelsea Library is EXPANDING. Even though I have no interest in karaoke discs.
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