More About Sponge

I have been wondering of late on the perfect way to end a sponge ball routine. My own routine specifically can be used as a good exapmle. As the people who read it here will be aware there is a sequence in my routine which more than facilitates the easy loading of an incongruent object at the climax. Having said that many guys and girls who work with these things will load an object which is actually congruent to the routine in question. A jumbo sponge ball for example. Now even though such an object differes in colour and size it still, in the larger scheme of things bares corolation to the rest of the routine. Even a sponge rabbit bares a connection, a sponge bear rabbits a connection, even a sponge bananna is congruent. At the end of the day the qudience, even the 'A' udience may flutter with astonishment for a brief second but what if we want more than that out of life? One thing you can do is PLACE the secret sponge object into another persons hand. This is easier when it is the same colour. So in other words what you make up in the interaction and personability of using the persons hand, you loose on the total incongruency. In many ways a final load in SB is similar to those in Cups and Balls. A lemon, for example...........
Why am I talking about this!? It's ridiculous! I'm a grown man. I need help.
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