Any Friend of Dorothy is a Friend of Pink Floyd

Here's a bit of classic Man in a Boys World fluff. I love that Dark Side of the Rainbow stuff. You know what I mean right? Where you play Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon at the same time as you watch The Wizard of Oz you get these strange coincidences. I just watched some of it on You Tube and it's pretty creepy. I don't believe it for a second but that does not change the fact that it's cool. Apparantly to do the test properly you have to start the album after the MGM lion roars for the third time on the movie. You also have to make sure you turn the sound right down on your TV. Anyone with enough spare time on their hands to do this should give it a go....... I guess.
How's this for a coincidence though? After I watched the news clip about it on You Tube I went over to turn the radio up and The Wall was playing. Creepy.
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