Flash Matches

This is a short, interactive routine that I have been using in roving situations for some time now. You will require a deck of cards, a marking pen, a piece of flash paper and a box of matches. the deck is in your hands. the rest of the gear is in your right pants pocket.
1 Have a card selected.
2 Reach in for the marker and have the spec sign their name on the card.
3 Place the pen away.
4 Control the card to the top.
5 palm the card away from the deck and conceal it in the pocket at the same time bringing the matches out. Place the deck aside for a moment.
6 Hand the spec the matches and request that they take one out of the box.
7 Reach into the pocket again and re palm the card, also taking out the flash paper at the finger tips.
8 Ask the spec to light the match and take it from them in your left hand.
9 Burn the flash paper and at the same tiem push the palmes selection upinto the fingertips. The card has appeared in a burst of flames.
10 replace the card in the deck and control it to the top again.
11 Once again palm the card into the pocket whilst removing flash paper. When hand is inside the pocket you quickly fold the card into quarters. When you remove the hand the FP is once again at the fingertips and the folded card is concealed in a Ramsey palm.
12 Request that the spec empties all of the matches out of the box. Place the deck aside again.
13 Take the empty match box box from the spec and place the FP inside it. before you do this though secretly place the palmed folded card in there first, The FP resting on top of it. Leave the box half way open.
14 Have the spec hand you any match. Light it on the box and then drop it on to the paper inside.
15 When the flames subside you can reveal the card has magically appeared in the box.
Dean Atkinson
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