
Did I mention that I bought the Domino set along with KerPlunk the other day? Well I'm telling you now.
Funny thing is that that domino set has quickly become the most requested pastime in the household.
About 3 months ago, on a visit to Canberra, Maddie and Violet found a set of old domino cards in the games room of the house we were staying in. They quickly got the gist of it and I had been meaning to buy them a set of their own for ages. So when My Nanna May and Grandad Stan over in the UK called to say that I should spend a few of their dollars (pounds) on the girls I thought it a good opportunity.
So it's dominos morning, noon and night at our place right now. I play the version of the game as I know it. The only way I have ever played it. The game the grown - ups (and I) used to always play when I was tiny with the exception that we now have to LOOK at each others doms to try and outsmart each other....well The girls do...OK I do too.
Doms are great! It's a very skillfull game of wits. It is also very nostalgic for me as the game itself forms one of my earliest childhood memories. That of sitting around the big round, white table in the kitchen of My other grandparent's (Babs and Jock) house in Selwood Close Thornaby.
The sound of the doms rattling as they are mixed sounds just the same as it did back then.
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