The God...Or Just A God?

This is a picture of my favourite magician. This is and has been the case for more years or reasons than I care to mention. ever since the first time I saw him on 'The Best Of Magic' and then later on 'The Magic Comic Strip'
OK Having said that If you do happen to be affraid of my best friend (palming) there is a routine you can practice to face and with any luck overcome those fears.
The routine is called 'Famous 3 Card Trick' and is a version of the six card repeat by David Willimson to be found on Dave's DVD 'Sleight of Dave' I have been doing this regularly for some months now
As well as incoporating the 'Classic Palm' to great effect the routine has near perfect construction and is also a psychological examination of the Elmsley Count with a huge potential for comedy and a cracker of a climax.
Because I thought the routine was a LITTLE too long I do the 'repeat' less times than Dave. I guess this confirms my theory that David Wiliamson is 'A' God and not 'The' God. A question that has been raging within the magic community for years.
David Williamson is appearing at this years 'Super Day Event' organized by Sean Taylor in Sydney Australia. The question being. "Do you really want to be in the prescence of your god or not? What would you say to him? What COULD you say to him? If you have an answer to these questions then go book yourself a ticket by calling this number (02) 94116233
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