
Laura lays on the foot of the bed
mimics a noose with the telephone cord
Doctor's on the phone then she hangs up and says
"I ain't never gonna see the winter again"
How can you not have a great day with these lines going round and round in your head.
OK seriously.......Much as I love Ryan Adams and the Cardinals I'd rather have Hannibal Lecter in my head.
These last few posts prove once again that my sister and her Bee Gee's hating boyfriend, Rory (yea he knows who he is) have an exceptionally wrong taste in music. It's not just this either. At Christmas Emma contaminated my i Tunes with loads of dubious albums including Louis the X1V. These guys encourage dominatrix and glorify pornography.
It was so different when I was in my twenties. We smoked dope, developed life long liver conditions and set fire to houses and you know what.....that was quite sufficient thankyou! We were happy without music.
I guess we all interperet words in a different way. Eg "The lunatics are in the hall, their folded faces pressed against the floor and every day the paper boy brings more". Is this not about the mad dark side of our so called world leaders.
You are right, it is not, it's about the paper boy who keeps messing up and delivering dailies to the same address by mistake. I just hope his boss docs it from his wages!. I mean, there is nothing hidden in these words, why they coud have been written by Sir Paul Mcarteney. So it is just a matter of what they mean to you and they praboably mean different things at different times.
Knowing Pink Floyd it probably means that Glenda the Good Witch of the north or Aunty Em is stuffing up delivery addresses.
Spekaing of Aunty Em how is she.
BTW how many ways can you interepate this.
"I'll tease ou with a knife until your screaming for your life oh yes it's true. Till you surrender, I'll give you up your my illegally illegal tender.
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