The Strangest Heroes. (Quayside Chapter One)

Years ago when I was shooting the ill fated Geordie based soap opera 'Quayside' (more about that later) I had the pleasure of staying with the delightful Darren and Becky In Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne. They were both Charming and studying to be teachers at the time. They had a spare room, rich in character, which they sub let to me dirt cheap and without telling their land lord. Ahh those were the days.
At night we would sit afore their roaring fire, snuggled up with fine red wine and discuss the arts, education and Star Wars.
I had come to the conclusion back then, and this is a premis that has remained with me, that the bounty hunter known as 'Boba Fett' is indeed one of the richest characters in this trilogy. In fact until George Lucas decided to butcher the back story of Boba Fett in 'Attack of the Clones' I was beginning to become quite intrigued as to what he was all about. Now that I know he was just the son of one of those storm troopers who ended up doing nothing of interest or importance until he is hired by Darth Vader to catch Han in 'The Empire Strikes Back', the bubble of mystery has been burst somewhat.
Also while on the topic of Star Wars back stories, why didn't Lucas try to get a cute Han Solo sequence into 'Revenge of the Sith'? A short scene with Han as a ten year old would have been solid as. I don't see any reason why he shouldn't have included it. After all he managed to get Chewbacca in there. He even put Greedo in 'The Phantom Menace' despite having tried to search the intenet to get the fans reactions to this I have as yet come up with nothing. Maybe I was the only person put out by this?
Sorry, back to Darren and Becky. That Christmas I was delighted to recieve from them a Boba Fett Figure on which the tag read
"Some people have the strangest heroes"
I didn't see why it was so strange myself. Darren, for example was a Han Solo fan. The following March when his birthday rolled around I wrapped up a Han Solo in Hoth battle gear Figure for him with a card attached that read.
"Some people have the most obvious heroes"
I often muse about Darren and Becky. It's funny how you loose people without even trying. then again that does sound like a bit of an irony doesn't it? I mean one would never try to loose anything would they? Maybe some would. I still have the Boba Fett figure and the memory though.
That was just one of the things that happened to me years ago when I was doing that terrible series 'Quayside' and as promised, more about that later.
Hello, Dean. I was searching the net and whom should I find but an old pal from a visit to Londontown. I enjoyed reading this post, because lately I have been on quest to rediscover and reclaim some of my past. When I was a kid, my heroes were Lon Chaney Jr., Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi -- or more accurately, the monsters they were famous for playing. Strange heroes? Perhaps. But they were the right ones for me. Keep in touch, Dean!
Hi David
What an absolute pleasure to see you here.
I actually sent you the link to this blog but for some reason you have changed your email address. I suppose this has something to do with fame.
I am sorry that I missed your guest spot on the Magic Cafe. At the time Joanne and I were in the middle of buying a house.
The strange heroes you yourself mention are on the top of my list also.
BTW David fails to mention here that one of his strange 'heroines' is Katie King the famous 19th Century East London medium. Infact we once spent a late night/early morning searching around Dalston for the house where she used to hold her seances. That was pretty spooky.
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